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  • brb2
    07-19 05:24 PM
    There are over 339,000 people stuck in name check - this is done for naturalization and 485. I can bet you this will be the next battle because a lot people who have filed 485 will get stuck in this black hole, where this no accountability by FBI to individuals because the "client" is USCIS and last quarter there were 400 law suits (Writ of Madamus etc) to force USCIS and FBI to do their jobs. It would be best if setting time limits for name checks are included in IVs goals now itself. No point in jumping from the frying pan if one is going to eventually land in the fire. The name check snares a lot of Indians, Chinese, middle easterners, russians etc. Most people stuck in the name check have never been involved with the law - go figure the algorithm FBI uses to trawl the ocean bed!

    Another thought i had was...Before all of us june,july,august folks land up in the blackhole of FBI namechecks...Can we lobby for some kind of transparency?What in the world can make them take 4 yrs to check a persons name?Can they at least maintain a website that they update as and when a name check is completed...Please core and members,do something about this...something as effective as the campaign to accept july applicants!!while they are overhauling the system let them get it right all the way!!

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  • brb2
    10-01 04:22 PM
    The US fell in rankings primarily due to the Iraq-Afghanistan war which has cost $500 Billion to date and which contributed to the federal deficit. In addition to deterioration in the fiscal deficit, the trade deficit of around $60 billion each month is a huge risk to the US economy and could result in a sudden and large fall in the value of the US dollar. The ony reason that the trade deficit has not affected the US is because of the 70-90 billion that flows monthly in to the country through investment in treasury notes and the stock market. However in the long run either Europe and Asia have to consume more or Americans have to save more and not depend on the financing by the rest of the world. In the case of India, the public sector deficit which is a net negative to the Indian economy is draining the life blood of the economy and will be a long term drag on the economy particulary in areas such as water supply, electricity and other infrastructure such as roads and ports unless the public sector is made more efficient or it is privatized. With the left playing a larger than life role in Indian Politics, things may not change much in the short to medium term.

    Here is the summary from the W.E.F. regarding the rankings:

    The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007: Country Highlights

    • Switzerland is number one in The Global Competitiveness Report for the first time, reflecting the country’s sound institutional environment, excellent infrastructure, efficient markets and high levels of technological innovation. The country has a well developed infrastructure for scientific research, companies spend generously on R&D, intellectual property protection is strong and the country’s public institutions are transparent and stable.
    • The United States, previously in first place, continues to enjoy an excellent business environment, efficient markets and is a global centre for technology development. However, its overall competitiveness is threatened by large macroeconomic imbalances, particularly rising levels of public indebtedness associated with repeated fiscal deficits. Its relative ranking remains vulnerable to a possible disorderly adjustment of such imbalances, including historically high trade deficits.
    • As has been the case in recent years, the Nordic countries hold prominent positions in the rankings this year, with Finland (2), Sweden (3), and Denmark (4) all among the top ten most competitive economies. The Nordic countries have been running budget surpluses and have lower levels of public indebtedness on average than the rest of Europe. Prudent fiscal policies have enabled governments to invest heavily in education, infrastructure and the maintenance of a broad array of social services. Finland, Denmark and Iceland have the best institutions in the world (ranked 1, 2 and 3, respectively) and, together with Sweden and Norway, hold top ten ranks for health and primary education. Finland, Denmark and Sweden also occupy the top three positions in the higher education and training pillar, where Finland’s top ranking is remarkable for its durability over time.
    • Germany and the United Kingdom continue to hold privileged positions, ranked 8th and 10th, respectively. In the areas of the safety of property rights and the quality of the judicial system, Germany is second to none. By contrast, both countries score poorly for their macroeconomic environments, though Germany does less well. In both cases public sector deficits and rising levels of public indebtedness as well as a strengthening of the currency in both countries in 2005 are the main causes of this. The United Kingdom excels in market efficiency, enjoying the most sophisticated financial markets in the world. Its flexible labour market and low levels of unemployment stand in sharp contrast to Germany, whose business community is burdened with sclerotic labour regulations. But Germany does somewhat better than the United Kingdom in innovation indicators and the sophistication of its business community is peerless.
    • Italy’s competitive position has continued on a downward trend, well established over the past few years, dropping four places to 42 in this year’s Report. The list of problems is long. Italy’s underlying macroeconomic environment is poor due to having run budget deficits without interruption for the past 20 years. The fiscal situation has deteriorated sharply since 2000 and public debt levels are well over 100% of GDP, among the highest in the world. The poor state of Italy’s public finances may itself reflect more deep-seated institutional problems, which are shown in low rankings for variables such as the efficiency of government spending, the burden of government regulation and, more generally, the quality of public sector institutions.
    • As in previous years, Poland remains the worst performer among the EU economies, with a rank of 48, right behind Greece (47) and well behind Estonia (25), the Czech Republic (29) and Slovenia (33), Central and Eastern Europe’s top performers. Particular weaknesses in Poland stem from the highly protected and rigid labour markets, particularly harmful in a country where unemployment is close to 18%. As in many transition economies, businesses have to deal with uncertainties stemming from weak institutions, corruption and crime, favouritism, an easily influenced judiciary and a weak property rights regime. Deeper reforms will be necessary if Poland is to increase productivity and stay competitive in the face of rising labour costs. Among the candidate countries, Turkey and Croatia both seem to have benefited from the "EU bonus", moving up impressively in the rankings by 12 places each, to positions 59 and 51, respectively.
    • Russia has fallen from its 53rd rank in 2005 to 62nd in 2006. The private sector in Russia has serious misgivings about the independence of the judiciary and the administration of justice. Legal redress in Russia is neither expeditious, transparent nor inexpensive, unlike in the world’s most competitive economies. A ranking of only 110 among 125 countries in 2006 suggests that it is time-consuming, unpredictable and a cost burden to enterprises. Partly because of this, the property rights regime is extremely poor and worsening. Russia’s ranking in this indicator during the last two years has suffered a precipitous decline, from 88 in 2004 to 114 in 2006, among the worst in the world.
    • Leading within Asia are Singapore and Japan, ranked 5th and 7th respectively, closely followed by Hong Kong (11) and Taiwan (13). These economies are characterized by high-quality infrastructure, flexible and efficient markets, healthy and well-educated workforces and high levels of technological readiness and innovative capacity. Malaysia, ranked 26th overall, has one of the most efficient economies in the region with flexible labour markets, relatively undistorted goods markets and public institutions which in many areas (e.g., rule of law, the legal system) are already operating at the level of the top performing new EU members.
    • Korea’s (24) performance is slightly more uneven than that of Malaysia. The country has already reached world-class levels in certain areas, such as macroeconomic management, school enrolment rates at all levels, penetration rates for new technologies and scientific innovation, as captured by data on patent registration. However, Korea continues to be held back by institutional weaknesses, both public and private, for which it has not yet reached the standards of Finland, Sweden, Denmark or Chile. Taiwan (13) continues to operate at a high level of efficiency but has dropped below last year’s "top-ten" status. It is an innovation powerhouse, with levels of per capita patents registration exceeded only by the US and Japan. It continues to excel in higher education and training indicators (ranked 7th overall) but, like Korea, its overall rank is weighed down by weaknesses in the institutional infrastructure.
    • India ranked 43rd overall with excellent scores in capacity for innovation and sophistication of firm operations. Firm use of technology and rates of technology transfer are high, although penetration rates of the latest technologies are still quite low by international standards, reflecting India’s low levels of per capita income and high incidence of poverty. Despite these encouraging results, insufficient health services and education as well as a poorly developed infrastructure are limiting a more equitable distribution of the benefits of India’s high growth rates. Moreover, successive Indian governments have proven remarkably ineffective in reducing the public sector deficit, one of the highest in the world.
    • China’s ranking has fallen from 48 to 54, characterized by a heterogeneous performance. On the positive side, China’s buoyant growth rates coupled with low inflation, one of the highest savings rates in the world and manageable levels of public debt have boosted China’s ranking on the macroeconomy pillar of the GCI to 6th place – an excellent result. However, a number of structural weaknesses need to be addressed, including in the largely state-controlled banking sector. Levels of financial intermediation are low and the state has had to intervene from time to time to mitigate the adverse effects of a large, non-performing loan portfolio. China has low penetration rates for the latest technologies (mobile telephones, Internet, personal computers), and secondary and tertiary school enrolment rates are still low by international standards. By far the most worrisome development is a marked drop in the quality of the institutional environment, as witnessed by the steep fall in rankings from 60 to 80 in 2006, with poor results across all 15 institutional indicators, and spanning both public and private institutions.

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  • peacocklover
    01-19 02:20 PM
    I'm not doing any favor to any body and I'm just protecting my life and my friends life. Why would any H1 guy take that risk even if his Green card application is pending and even when he is discriminated purposefully based on his country of origin in POE also in USCIS? These two issues are interconnected to each other such as buying a house for living long term in US and his application is pending due to failed immigration policies even though his employer is interested to have his services at higher priority. When few rude CBP officers don't let him to enter in to US even if he has valid VISA to work in US and even if his company needs his valuable services to the slowly rising US economy, what's the point in buying a home even though selling can be done through some Power of attorney at loss in future from home country (it becomes biggest blunder of my life if I do that) ?? You would realize when it becomes your turn at the POE. 1% will become 10% in no time if you don't react.

    It sounds like your argument is like my granny's old saying 'Cat(who is considered as thief in that neighborhood) jumps in to somebody's kitchen, drinks milk by closing her eyes and she feels that nobody is watching her'. I can't make that risk by buying a house in this limbo situation though I have an interest to live in US to realize my American dream since my childhood.

    Yes Sir, very true: "People do not buy house to sell it". I am not suggesting that you buy a house and sell it, I am suggesting that in case you plan on buying the house .. don't get intimidated by the bad immigration experience of few folks. My point is that in worst case scenario, if you have to go back to India (which is less than 1% chance), there are ways to deal with house situation.

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  • lvinaykumar
    03-01 06:31 PM
    i will in chicago. Please add me into the state chapter


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  • apahilaj
    08-22 08:41 AM
    It seems like except for one or two people here, individuals who have applied directly at TSC on 2nd July are getting their checks cashed/receipts this week.

    It would be helpful to know if they are done with the transfer of 2nd July cases from NSC to TSC; if so, when and based on that, we can make some educated estimates.

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  • p_kumar
    09-19 04:25 PM
    I am happy with my 2003 EB3 PD, approved I-140 and pending I-485 and 2 year EAD and 1 year AP.

    I have started 2 companies and happily saving tax money and enjoying life. Let GC take its own sweet time.


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  • tonyHK12
    04-28 09:51 AM
    "Revitalizing the Golden State" looks great for reading but....

    - Does legalized illegals really pay taxes?
    - what is the possibility that they don't depend on Gov from the day they get their Citizenship?
    - Illegals are here from more than 10 the average age is around 40'.... they may work for 10 more years and then depend on Gov.

    It is a know truth the advantage of giving GC to Legal EB's then Illegals but as you said we need clear message posted....

    We see a lot of these articles every day praising illegal immigration. How about creating a google group with volunteers that will pick up such similar articels and post a rebuttal, either online or through another website?
    The one we discussed yesterday was about how illegals contribute to the economy by paying $1.5 Billion in income tax for an estimated 15-20 million illegals.
    This was estimated from the 2010 Census data.
    We could initially post these rebuttals online on probably a section of the IV website and also send it to other news sites.
    People who are good at parsing excel/MDB, csv sheets will be useful.

    Most people are not aware of our issues and contributions to society.

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  • AgentM
    09-11 09:45 PM
    If you have a project, there are companies who will keep $6 hr and 10% as payroll taxes.
    Let me know, if you want more details.

    P.S. I am not connected with the company, but I know people who worked in that company for years.


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  • gagbag
    06-14 08:57 PM

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  • pappu
    04-15 03:25 PM
    immigration related frequently asked questions


    Thank you


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  • jthomas
    03-24 08:23 PM
    Join the KITList-tech, yahoo group, I found it helpful during the 2001/2002 downturn:

    I just checked KITlist-Tech (keep in touch) yahoo group and there are some job openings for software. Software guys this is something you need to join.

    Does anybody know of any group for Hardware job openings (Non-related to computer)

    J thomas

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  • sidbee
    06-18 11:45 AM
    This is my new employer asking me sign this document called "time sheet agreement"...would it stand in the court of law, say I left the job and could they come after me with this paper?

    here is the 80% of whats in there with company called (name changed) Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company :D

    If the employee wishes to terminate his/her services with Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company, he/she agrees to assist Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company in fulfilling the contract terms that Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company signed with client like notice period etc. The client peanilizes Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company if he/she leaves the project abruptly without sufficient notice. Employee is responsible for all monetary penalties the client will enforce on Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company because of his/her action.

    Employee agrees not to transfer billing to another firm and / or accept payments from another firm or the primary vendor or mid vendor for the project you are currently working will be working in future. Employee agrees not to solicit directly or indirectly Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company�s client and vendors.

    Employee is responsible for the accuracy of the time sheet submitted for payroll. If Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company pays you and we did not get the money from the client, he/she are responsible to reimburse Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company all the amount that is under dispute within 5 business days. Employee is responsible for all the legal and administrative costs (attorney, collections etc) for enforcing the above terms. All disputes will be settled according to the laws of the sate of NJ.

    Employee agrees to reimburse Nathuram-daulathram-desi-Company any and all over payments made to you within 5 business days. If you fail to do so, then the employee agrees to pay the legal costs involved in enforcing the same.

    The above costs are difficult to calculate and will be based on our approximations.

    Is this how every company asks their employee to sign?? This is my first experience on this...never signed anything like this before.... :rolleyes:

    Please let me know,
    LIGCP :mad:

    99% agreements written by the desi consultants are not legal ( they are one sided) . if you dont sign it , you dont get the job.

    I am not a lawyer , and this is my personal view out of the experience on being a H1


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  • rock945
    10-03 10:34 AM
    you might also need a copy of your approved Labour application.
    I am not sure if you can get the documents directly from the UCIS becuase the documents belong to your employer and not you.
    you can try through Freedom of Information Act( but it might take a while to get the documents.

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  • pmb76
    07-15 02:21 PM
    These people are worse than any bad people. They dont deserve flowers.

    chandu, I agree with you. They definitely don't deserve flowers. They deserve a pile of **** - you know what. Although I did send flowers as per IV's directive I am not Gandhian. I think Gandhian philosophy only works in movies and books. Although this is very controversial and I might invite the wrath of many on this board - but hey I am entitled to my opinion :D - Peace


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  • logiclife
    04-21 11:53 AM
    You see, soundbites and rhetoric are very very tempting. Calling ourselves slaves, using words like "hi Tech slaves" makes us feel that we have finally taunted the system and shamed the lawmakers into acting.

    Well, that's not how it works. We are advocating congress. We are not running for an election here and using soundbites and rhetoric really helps when trashing your election opponents. We are trying to get something done here, we are not running an election campaign and we dont have any opponents to taunt and shame by using the words like "slavery" and by trying to make a mockery of the system.

    If taunts and rhetoric and soundbites would have done the job, we would have gotten bills passed long time ago.

    Those who have made suggestions about using words like "Slaves" and "Hitech Slaves", and "tax paying slaves" have probably never been to lawmaker's offices. These words not only are improper and not only do they provide ammunition to people who oppose us, they are downright flat wrong. They also bring disgust and awkward situation if you use them in lawmaker's office. Imagine this: You are sitting with the judiciary counsel and if they ask you..."Who do your represent" and you say "We are from a grassroots nonprofit organization called Hi tech slaves". What do you think is going to happen to the rest of the meeting??

    And by the way, those who are running out of patience with Greencard process are totally capable of packing their bags and going back to their home country. So you cannot call it slavery. Slavery is bonded labor. Where is the bond here? If you dont like your job, then change your job and get a new H1? If you cant port your PD and if you are sick of waiting, then you can go back because really, the bond is in your head, if at all. Its not like your employer is holding a gun to your head. That WAS THE CASE during actual slavery in this country. They were sold, traded and bonded. They were killed if they disobeyed? By comparing ourselves and our situation to that, you are not only being counterproductive, you are insulting the real victims of slavery that existing 150 years ago.

    Use common sense and always think that what would be the impact if my post is read by people who intend to testity against us in Congress. Read John Miano's testimony in July 2006 in Judiciary committee. And use some discretion.

    I am going to close this thread now.

    Those who want to suggest new names for organization or new domain names for the website, please send an email to and your availability to work on changing the names everywhere, including all paperwork etc and how much time can you spend on doing it and how can we transfer all name recognition from old name to new name. If its possible and if you can work on it and spend time on it to help us do that, we will surely do it.

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  • rajabeta
    09-25 09:13 AM
    yes, no checks cashed yet, checking my account regularly. the notice date is 21st sep, so I am thinking it might take 3-4 business days for the checks to cash, do you guys think my assumption is right?
    Anybody in the same situation?

    So you got the receipts without the checks getting enchased? Ddid any one who were sent to CSC did not get their checks enchased but recieved receipts?


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  • aadimanav
    07-03 12:24 AM
    Legal workers lose chance at green cards

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  • rockstart
    04-06 09:40 AM
    Change of states is trigeering RFE. If you have moved considerable distance from your previous location the RFE will ask for an updated EVL explaining that you still have the job. Which can be easily addressed by your employer & lawyer. So dont worry and wait for 5 working days to receive the RFE.

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  • Ramba
    11-19 06:59 PM
    Higher salary should not be a problem at all. Important thing is, the salary should be equal or above the prevailing wage at new location for that job classification at that position/level. PW also a survey of wage by DOL. It does not mean that one should not earn considerably more than average. Lets see an hypothetical example,

    A young Software engineer joins microsoft using AC21 and dates Bill gates son/daughter and marry him/her. Bill gates increase that person salary to 1 million, but he/she continuously doing same SW engineer job. In that case 1 million salary should not be a problem for AC21, because it is higher than PW in seattle.

    (Dont ask me why not if a person marry Bill gates son/daughter they can come in family category)

    As per the current guidelines adjudicating officer makes the determination based on Department of Labor SOC/O*net code in the Labror Certification Application (ETA 9098) form. ( It's very critical to have a copy of LC application, before considering AC21. If you don't have it through employer, you can get a copy from DOL through FOIA request )

    DOLs SOC/O*Net gives the job description for the Job code as well as "same or similar" jobs (if you search on your SOC/O*net code)

    Here's an example -

    This is the website IOs are supposed to be using (as per guidelines). Becoming a Sr. Software Engineer from Software Engineer shouldn't be an issue. Salary hike beyond 50% could (or could not) be a problem based on the IOs sole discretion. 50% is just a ball-park assumed by most immigration attorneys. In reality, there is no such preset limit. It's entirely upto the IOs decision.

    Promotion as manager is a tricky situation, as Job description changes. IO may consider it 'same or similar', or consider it altogether different. In such cases it may be possible to prove the jobs are similar by obtaining an 'Expert Opinion Letter' from an expert in the field ( such as a Professor of Computer Science from a University).

    February 19th, 2004, 07:59 AM
    With mush ballyhoo, the Nikon D2H hit the streets not too long ago. It was approximately two years in the making, and seemed to counter the 1D for Nikon users. The Canon 1D Mark II (on paper) , seems to be a very significant improvement to the 1D, and jettisons again past the D2H. How confident can Nikon users be that Nikon can maintain pace in the professional DSLR arena?
    With 80% of the total professional market I guess not too badly. I believe the D2H is a much newer system than the 1d mk2 and of course it will be almost half the price streetwise, so a lot of part time pros will want to consider this body seriously. I seem to rember the 1D did not do well against the D1H, also with half the res, until the 1d started to match the Nikon price. I guess the same thing will happen, only the D2H does have a killer system this time round. Someone mentioned file tranfers to editors and publishing house and mobile connectivity,I think that's where something like the D2H will probably score. Canon are big timers, they will stay the course, at least for now. I don't think hoping for Nikon to be on the ropes will be particularly useful though.



    09-15 10:23 AM
    We need experts advice in the following matter.

    Here is my situation, I have entered US on H-4 and after sometime I have applied for H1(Change of status) through a consulting company. I have worked for this company for 3 months.

    When I went for H1 stamping,visa officer said that my case need to go through Administrative processing . I came back on H-4.

    We have applied for 485 (through my spouse) and got EAD and AP.I have started working on my EAD. Recently we have received a mail from the consulate saying my H1 was denied and there was a note saying

    "section 212 (a) (6) (c) which prohibits unlawful misrepresentation. See form DSL-851 for further details . ". (Not sure what triggered this?). I couldn't find this form anywhere, what is this form?

    We have sent an email to US consulate abroad, asking for reasons and future steps, and we have received a response saying

    "your case has been fowarded to the USCIS for a final determination. As for your H-4 visa, a decision may not be taken until the USCIS makes a final determination in your case by the USCIS."

    Can you advice us what to do next?

    1. Will it be possible to withdraw the H1-B application from USCIS?
    2. Approximately how long it may take to get a final decision?
    3. Is it better to contact USCIS about the case?
    4. Will there be any impact of this on my 485 application? or on any future immigration processes?
    5. Will there be any problem while entering or leaving the country?
    6. Does USCIS notify us about the final decision?
    7. Is it better to seek help from Senator in this matter to know what is the decision on our case?

    Please advice on this matter as we have travel plans next month.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

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