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  • PavanV
    06-08 06:26 PM
    My labour cleared in 2009, i guess i need to wait for 10 yrs more !!!, not good , not good at all :eek:

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  • mlk
    03-10 08:15 AM
    Nice renders Eilsoe and Grinch--both very dramatic. Here's mine--it feels unfinished but this is all I had time for.


    Very groovy. And I like to see XSI work because, well, I haven't seen a lot from this package !

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  • Macaca
    09-26 11:06 AM
    The email should have info so that recipient can verify that rally was for EB GC issues and not H1B issues.

    Say rally was organized by IV.
    Put link to IV so they can check IV agenda.
    Put link to Washington Post/NY Times article that correctly reported the rally.

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  • feedfront
    11-02 12:43 PM
    RFE : Sep 10 2010,

    Did you receive physical card?


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  • ganguteli
    03-09 11:32 PM
    I like your idea.
    Let us all blame IV core for not getting our greencard and having a crappy visa bulletin this month. :)
    I contributed $5 in the high five campaign and I still do not have my labor cleared. I want to blame IV for that too. :)

    Did you not see the FOIA action item by IV core?

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  • Pineapple
    11-18 06:59 AM
    My receipt number is NRC2008064605.


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  • vin
    06-12 05:06 PM

    38/50 dems voted for bill
    Only 7/38 rep voted for bill.

    There is a good chance that Bush will get 15 more out of 38 to favor the bill.

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  • Slumdog
    01-22 04:17 PM
    JSB, I agree partially with your analogy on US & Japan�s Quality of life but that is a generalized statement. The meaning of �Quality of Life� is lost the day people started looking at their house as an investment.
    I also agree the quality of Life comes with a price. But not everything should be looked or compared monetarily. Back when I was kid, my Dad had a choice to send me to Govt School or Private school. Private school was expensive & he did pay price by sending me to private school, cutting most of his expenses because he wanted to give good quality of life for his kids. So for everything there is a Price to pay & what �price� means to you is again subjective. There is a lot of difference between Quality of Life & Enjoyment. If a person can only afford Honda Civic & he wishes to buy BMW X5 then he is doing that for his own enjoyment & NOT quality of life. I call it Stupidity. Buying a house (Affordable) with calculated risks is totally different matter & I will explain why on my next topic.

    Your Comment �where a GC seeker gets up at 5am in a nicely furnished home, and gets to work, is entirely his choosing for happiness with material things. He knowingly chooses to sacrifice his peace of mind for more material wealth� is purely your imagination except that I getup at 5:00 & go to work. I am almost done writing new topic �Why Non GC Holders buy houses?� & will be posting shortly. Watch out for that & may be you will find some answers.

    No Joke, I agree with you on considering the risks associated with quality of life.

    Saggi13, It�s sad to hear your side of story. However I did have a backup plan & reserves & I will be explaining my side of story in the above new topic. Don�t loose hope & you will be back in no time.

    ~ Slumdog


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  • pani_6
    01-16 05:14 PM
    Its like a mirroe image for many of us..The point it dont sell your soul for GC..its not worth it..there are other things important in life like family and parents and health..plan well..

    In Continuation from above post...

    8:00Am: the last half an hour I was just glaring at my pc & just thinking & not doing any work, I cancelled a vendor meeting at 8:00 as it wasn�t that imp anyway & who know by 9:00 what is gonna happen. Slowly I could see more people coming into office. Each team is slowly gathering in groups & started whispering amongst themselves on what was going on. I could see tension & worry in almost every ones eyes.

    8:15Am: by now I have atleast 15 instant message conversations going on (used internally within office network) with all my friends in other depts. & other offices & every where it is the same commotion. The responses are one liner.. hey, this guy X is out. & responses were like oh no he was such great guy, so this ping pong of instant messages was constantly going across several employees & every minute we hear atleast 2 known persons out of the building. If I could put it in simple way, if I am chatting with some guys & suddenly if that guy stops responding, then it is imperative that he is no longer an employee & it is that bad.

    9:00Am: By now the things were moving more quickly & more rapidly & more people out of building. I don�t know what was the package offered while laying off & I wasn�t even interested to think about it. Every time any manager walks by me or my aisle , my heart stops for few seconds & thinking not me please. I could not take it anymore , it�s been two hours & not knowing if & when will your turn come is really killing. I called my wife & informed about whats going & told her that if I come to house today by noon or early than regular, then it�s over as I have to handover the office crackberry & I don�t carry my personal cell. Don�t know what my wife was going on since then. & she started calling me every 10 min checking to see if I answer.

    9Am-12 PM: This has been going on from past 5 hours & yes I was still not called & someone said that after 12, they are going to stop & it�s over. Every hour passing by I was getting relieved & looking at the watch constantly did not help but it was relief though to hear that it�s going to end at 12.
    PS: the above 3 hours felt like 3 years. It�s tough to put it in writing what I was going through inside during this period.

    12PM: Bit relieved & then the commotion stopped & I could see the managers are relieved. Then someone came by & floated another rumour that it is over for today & they are going to do another round tomorrow & I wanted to scream so loud @$^&(^$#%&*(*^^%&*()))_

    1PM: The remaining employees were called upon by their managers & informed that it is over & no more & not even tomorrow or day after . At least we know for few months for sure. What a relief. The first thing I called my wife & told her. For GC holders I don�t know how you guys felt when you received your GC, I felt at that moment I got my citizenship.

    The whole point of explaining my story in detail is this could happen to anyone, & may happen again to me. So prepare for the worst & prioritize the things which are most important, children health, education, money, parents, etc. Things may look rosy now but from what I have learned in past 9 years living here is �If becoming a millionaire from a slumdog is possible in usa then it is also possible that you can be slumdog from millionaire in no time� I can give you many examples but if you want to try it out yourself, then try to live in this country without car insurance & health insurance for one month.

    I got my priorities set now & believe me getting a GC has become my last priority & if you are curious on what was the priority before it was last but one because I had so many imp things to worry than GC. But at the same time I also want to say without a GC & not knowing when & if I will get it is always bothering me somewhere deep inside ( May be this is what I meant by do you have peace of mind?)

    I currently have script in progress & very soon I am planning to make a documentary on immigrant�s struggle in US .provided I have a continuous job & enough savings & funding and that day I will have a real �peace of mind�.

    And tomorrow the day starts again with a snooze ahwwwww�

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  • coolmanasip
    03-10 10:27 AM
    Guys.....if you want to change representation to self in your 485 case, you do not need to file a form G-28......G-28 is for lawyers seeking permission to represent you. You do not need a permission for yourself............all you have to do is send USCIS a letter saying all future correspondence should be done with you and you are representing yourself on this case hereon....follow up after a month after sending the letter to ensure they have changed you as the point of contact on the case........If you are substituting your current lawyer by another one, then you need a new G-28


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  • gimme_GC2006
    05-15 09:58 AM
    I am doing Kelley Direct and would definitely recommend it. The Professors are great and course work feels like your regular full-time load with assignments, quizzes, mid-terms and finals, project works, case discussions and some weekly classes. Most of the professors are very interactive and you can always call them. The teaching faculty is top-quality with some of them having Ph.d's from MIT's and Stanford's. Marketing is considered top-notch at Kelley. Curriculum allows some flexibility and course load can be completed in 2 to 4 year period requiring 1week compulsory on-campus presence in 1st and 2nd year. If you have time, you can also participate in 3 to 4 week clinics for 1.5 credit hours in summers. It is now costing me around $975/credit hour with 48 credits required to graduate. Add to this cost of books at other administration/technology fee which might add upto $5k to $8k.

    I have couple of friends who graduated from Thunderbird too. It is top-notch for International Business but doesnot allow the flexibility to complete at your own pace. My friends were totally tied up with work and course-load for 2 years. It requires somewhere between 51 to 54 credit hours to graduate. It has two compulsory International workshop clinics each in 1st and 2nd year for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. This is partly paid from the fee, while you need to pay for flight tickets and meals. I think the books are included in the $57k+ tuition for this program.

    Kelley full-time is ranked between 18 and 23 depending on which source you would like to use. Its Marketing Discipline is in top10. Thunderbird is not ranked in TOP50 but it's INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS discipline is ranked number one.

    Thanks Phani!!.

    This is great information. I will do some research. How much GMAT score is required?
    Probably I will check on the site.

    Are you married and kids? You are doing online one right?

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  • humdesi
    02-21 10:06 PM
    Lord almighty people are getting really carried away. :) This cutoff setting guy hadn't even made up his mind as of Feb 13. Also read my entire post, he won't set the date till he sees the estimate from USCIS.

    Btw, my PD is Jan 03 and my LUD is still back in November 07 (when my attorney changed).

    Most likely he'll see how much the demand really is and decide a cutoff at early 2002 or maybe even 2001. Remember EB-2 india vanished even after cutoff being at Jan 2000.


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  • snakesrocks
    09-10 06:16 PM
    Hey Yall,

    I just called the House Judiciary Committee to inquire about the webcast link not working and the reason sited was that "thats due to the hearing postponed until tomorrow".

    So, no more hearing for the day and it resumes tomorrow. I did forget to ask for what time it starts, may be someone else can check on it.

    The House Judiciary Committee today completed mark up of four immigration bills:

    H.R. 6020 would provide immigration benefits for immigrant soldiers and their families; (Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-CA and Rep. Mac Thornberry R-TX)
    H.R. 5882 would recapture employment-based and family-sponsored immigrant visas lost to bureaucratic delays; (Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-CA and Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., R-WI)
    H.R. 5924 would provide 20,000 employment-based visas per year for three years specifically for nurses; (Rep. Robert Wexler, D-FL and Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., R-WI)
    HR 5950 would ensure basic medical care for immigration detainees; (Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-CA and Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R-FL)
    These bills now must await determinations by the Rules Committee as to how much debate will be allowed and whether floor amendments will be allowed, and if so , how many.

    There is no assurance that any of these bills will make it to the floor of the House for a vote. If one or more of them should pass, the Senate would have to act very quickly as there are no parallel Senate measures pending.

    While this is a positive step forward, the odds remain heavily against passage of any of these as "stand alone" legislation this year.

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  • kaisersose
    02-21 04:12 PM
    I had one question. If there 140 K quota and 400 k employment AOS pending shuldnt they be cleared in 2-3 years (140k*3) since no matter what 140 k visas are going to get used (for example if there are leftovers others will get it)?

    Even assuming hereafter no visa numbers will be wasted, It is not exactly FIFO for that to happen.

    Consider this:

    a) The Indian Applicant started back in 2003. In 2009 everything is done except assigning a visa number to this case.
    b) There is a German Applicant who will start in 2008. In 2009 everything is done except assigning a visa number to this case.

    The German will get a visa number assigned and a green card, but the Indian will not as he still has thousands ahead of him waiting for visa numbers.

    Therefore 400K at 140K/ year is not how it works.


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  • newuser
    04-20 03:25 PM
    I will be able call after 6:30 PM EST.

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  • Becks
    03-12 09:29 PM
    I am going through the process of changing job. My new company says they are fond of EAD. But I am asking for H1 transfer. So they are saying if I want H1 transfer I can do so at my cost. Interesting!!!!

    I tried to keep H1 but finally I had to gave it up as "For critical positions we hire EAD/GC holders- US Citizens only and thus we can not allow H1 transfer for this position".

    I do not see any problem in your case based on the information what you gave here. Large companies - So must be having 3 years Audit reports - perhaps available publicly (In my case that is the case -- so virtually no risk).If you get new job offer letter with "Same job description" as one under which your gC filed - no problem - No gap in pay stubs .. Then go ahead and we will welcome you to EAD club.


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  • grinch
    03-14 02:55 PM
    I'm kind of dissapointed people are voting due to realistic proportions... I wanted people to vote on artistic show

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  • wellwishergc
    08-02 02:42 PM
    :D :D

    Why don't we nominate your name for the post of 'Director' of USCIS?:D

    The visa numbers for Indians in EB2 category is 'unavailable' currently. Every month the USCIS estimates (rather guesses :rolleyes:) the demand for visas in each category adds to it their own forecasted work pace and based on some super secretive formula comes up with a cut-off date....as we all have seen this formula is by no means accurate (knowing how it went from being current for all employment based category in sept 05 to unavailable for eb3 indians at begining of they year to the dates moving 5 years for chinese eb2 in a few months..etc ..etc)

    Wouldn't it be nice if USCIS gives themselves a break from the stressful guess work ;) every october and instead of giving cut-off dates, just make eb1-3 'available' for all across the board...then all of us waiting with approved i140's can file 485...get EADs..our wives can work...we can change jobs per will and live happily ever after...May be they can use the data gathered from all the petition received to forecast a better cut-off date for the remaining 11 months...And if they repeat this every year....the most one would have to wait with an approved I40 to file I485 is one year....I am sure lot of guys with pending applications at BECs would also jump on this idea and file new perm petitions...effectively reducing the backlog..if not eliminating it.

    Mean while I am proposing all this in humour and not advocating IV to adopt it in their agenda :) ...so don't start pounding on me just yet...

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  • paskal
    01-27 01:54 PM

    i hope that country caps are removed
    i also hope it's not at your expense :-)
    i don't see why people think these things are mutually exclusive
    we all want the best to happen- for ourselves- and as much as we can help it
    for everyone else too!!
    great work on putting the data together, hopefully we can develop some concise sound bites to present to affected people and to lawmakers.
    i do suggest that the final summary should show 3 examples

    China EB2 and EB3
    India EB2 and EB3
    ROW EB3

    this way everyone affected sees something about themselves

    03-04 08:43 AM

    07-13 06:57 PM
    I thought it will not be of much use since my PD wasn'tcurrent. Can you let me know the procedure to open a SR?

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