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  • vgayalu
    10-05 01:38 PM
    Hi Guys,

    My attorney sent the response last week and it was delivered to the Dallas, TX. I am little concerned that my attorney actually sent the response to a courier address rather than the PO Box for TSC that they ask you to send. So far I have not seen any updates on my case.

    Vgayalu: After how many days did you see an update after you sent the response to the RFE.

    My Attoney also mentioned that he is sending in Fedex to mailing address.

    Literally I grabbed from him and sent in usps express mail costs $18-70

    This one saved me when i compare my situation with yours.

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  • trueguy
    07-30 12:09 PM
    Add E&Y (Ernst and Young) to the list.

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  • vik352
    07-01 11:35 PM
    I talked to my Professor where I did my masters and he agreed to sign the online petition. He is one of top researchers in his field. Imagine if we can get signatures from such great . Professors, outstanding Scientists, CEO's and Directors of big companies, Journalists (like the one who wrote nice article in Washington post about legal immigration) and probably Bill Gates. This would create great attention for our cause. They are lots of people out there who support legal immigration and its time to bring them together and show it to the world in a petition.

    If anyone thinks this is a good idea, can you just leave a message saying that you support it. At least we know how many people are interested in this forum.

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  • eb3India
    06-12 03:12 PM
    why should anyone now listen to Bush, he just a lameduck at this point and don't bring his war funding victory, they just did'nt have any other choice but support brave soldiers and Bush know that

    My point is CIR starts and ends with illegal immigration our reforms are just a sideeffect which may or may not happen.

    what we need is a new stratergy which address our issues again I repeat our issue only, which means no H1B increase, just a system reform which ends retrogession.

    for which we don't need any law change, we need someone to held accountable for USCIS wasting as many as 40K visas, Everyone in this country is accountable and letz use it


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  • ak_2006
    09-09 02:37 PM
    I feel like there will be no special help from anybody including IV. I am not blaming IV for this as they have to fight for all. We (EBI) need lead the fight to do something.

    But many of us not willing to do spend time/money for this cause. If a person can't do those, switch jobs, and find jobs where we can start processing in EB2, or ask current employers to apply in EB2.

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  • mmanurker
    07-28 11:59 AM
    Now a days this has become a fashion to bash Hinduism and people take pride in doing so just to make a point to prove that they are very secular and far sighted and very broad minded but infact these are the people who are pseudo-secular and the reason for majority Hindus in our own country being held hostage by the policticians and the largest minority community in india.....
    I've seen this many times that any hindu who speaks their mind and strong believers in their religion will be tagged as fundamentalists and rss supporters where as I have nothing to do with any religious groups but I am proud of my RELIGION and it does hurt me when I see my religion/gods depicted in a bad way. If you are a aethist then just shutup but don't bash Hindu religion and I am sure that all the guys who tried to do so dont have balls to bash other religions coz they know the conseqences of it and I am sure these religious bashing people are the one who'd visit temple to get their greencards but don't accept it either becoz they are hypocrates or ashamed of their own religion......


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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:54 PM
    There are thousands

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  • malaGCPahije
    03-17 04:21 PM
    What I am saying is spill over from ROW goes to EB2 first. It does not split to EB2 and EB3 evenly. So more people from EB2 gets visa granted and thus people who joined EB2 bandwagon from EB3 and had earlier PD, they get Visa quickly. Now generally this spillover does not go to EB3 from EB2 having high demand from EB2 and thus EB3 get stuck with conventional numbers with 7% country limit and thus EB3 numbers move slowly. But if that spillover happens for both EB3 and 2 equally than EB3 can also move little bit quickly which is not the case. Thus shortening the queue by switching over to EB2 does not give full advantage to remained lot of EB3.

    The recent movement in EB2 have been contributed to the spillover from EB2 ROW. That raises a question over the spill over rules. The EB2 ROW spill over should have helped EB3 ROW. But EB3 ROW is not yet C, however EB2-I moved up. If the spillover happens at the same level, then EB3-I may have hope in the future when EB3-ROW becomes C. Is such an assumption right or wrong?


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  • Madhuri
    10-12 02:41 PM
    PD Mar 2006
    485 pending
    Recd EAD

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  • NKR
    10-20 09:40 AM
    Do you all ever wonder why 1996 to 2000 was great and the economy never went to quite the 2000 levels? It is because of useless wars and getting the job shipped to other countries. That is the republican agenda. If you think you will have a better chance of green card under Republican rule, you are sadly mistaken. The economy will continue to go down, while there will be another Iran war to turn the attention from problems with economy. We need someone who can think clear and be steady. It doesn't matter if the republicans have pro immigration stance or not. The economy is going to dictate if companies are going to keep us employed here. You need to see the bigger picture..

    I agree with you on this one. If you all think that GC is the only issue here, then go ahead and support Mc Cain. But if you all think that you are going to be here long term or planning on making this your home, then I think Obama is good for the country. Look where has the capitalism and free market has taken us today, nobody has a clue as to how to fix this mess, all this bail out solutions are just temporary and is pulling us further into debt trap. If there is a recession or a dollar collapse, your GC will not ensure your job.

    Free market is good only for the top execs and big corporations. There should be some regulation so that they do not become irresponsible in their conduct of business. Without regulation, it is like letting a wild bull run in a china shop, it will knock everything in its way. Republicans policy is to take all the broken pieces of the china ware, put some adhesive on them and put them back on shelf, they do not want to reign in the wild bull unlike democrats.


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  • mirage
    02-06 03:32 PM
    There can be several ways to deal with this and still get least opposition, I sent you a PM...That's absolutely true. Immigration quotas were originally designed to keep people out, which meant if you were a white, Western European come on in. If you were not, you need not apply. The per country limit was instituted to redress this issue and assure diversity in the immigration process. Eliminating the per country limit would require a massive paradigm shift, that in the end would only be more harmful to those groups who perceive a short term benefits.

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  • bigboy007
    06-19 05:11 PM
    its illegal to take color photocopies of driver licences, ONLY send b/w


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  • jaocanada
    09-19 03:40 PM
    I have registered this domain. If needed, please send me PM; I can initiate the transfer process. I have already added a forwarding address to the immigrationvoice.com.

    This is my from of contribution.

    MeMyselfandUs: Thank you very much for registering the domain and adding the forwarding link.

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  • tawlibann
    03-18 06:00 PM
    Sorry if this is offtopic but can someone explain to me who banned me and why? I didn't write anything offensive or abusive, and I didn't insult anybody. I was just discussing the issues I read in another forum.

    If it is my handle, you don't like, well my name is Tawlibann Foggs (it is Celtic name, and quite rare but I like it). My friends call me Taliban jokingly (I know it may not be funny to all of you, and I didn't like it at first, but I can't stop people), so that's why the handle was 'taliban'. I hope that answers your questions, and I mean no harm to anyone.

    I thought this forum was open to everybody to express their opinions and discuss relevant issues without insulting others. If you're going to keep banning me, please just let me know that I'm not welcome, and I'll leave. I thought Immigration Voice and its forum was open to all EB immigrants. I was even intending to become a contributing member, but now I'm kind of lost. Am I not supposed to post here? Is there something I missed?


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  • StarSun
    02-07 12:47 PM
    IV calls for a couple of volunteers to collect the miles and purchase tickets to confirmed participants. Please contact me.

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  • NKR
    03-16 09:25 PM
    i just don't see what the fuss is about. people from india usually waited 5-6 years for a GC historically, and it's about the same, give or take one year, even now. so i don't see why 4 years of wait after i-485 is being made out to be such a big deal only NOW.......????

    It's like asking Martin Luther King a few decades ago "Slavery has been there for centuries, why do you need equality now?". Your tone is exactly like that. It's just an analogy, we have definitely not suffered as much, but I am just trying to tell you that a wrong should not be prolonged, it needs to be corrected.


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  • mallu
    02-16 03:20 PM
    14% Asians Americans in US. (includes indians,chinese koreans, viatnamese, japanese etc)

    I dont know about India and china specifically.

    There are 2.7 million Indian americans in the U.S and 9.3 Chinese Americans.

    You do the math.

    Not sure if the totals include GC holders

    What i would say is that if folks from a particular country is getting 'edge' in numbers , then the diversity axe should be applied. In that sense i was wondering whether the country quota applied is 'fair' ( i know what is fair is determined by the country which made the rules/laws/practices . ) to India,China .

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  • nyte_crawler
    04-09 12:13 AM
    It is very strange, even if it is true. Was he coming to USA for the first time ? I think if he is into US even with 5 days of I-94, he could probably go to the local USCIS office and furnish evidence for extension I hope.

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  • senthil1
    04-04 03:39 PM
    If number of H1b increases obviously waiting period will increase for GC. So H1b reform will be positive in multiple aspects

    1.It will satisfy anti immigrants and will give some kind of security to US citizens. There is no question that only new jobs that too no skilled worker is available in USA then only H1b should be hired. Even India we are rarely hiring foreigners in any company. Not only India any other country in the world does that(only when no personsare available they hire foreigners).
    2.If no of H1b decreases automatically waiting period will reduce as no of people applying are less for gc .

    And how does "reshaping current mad behavior of H1B application" help fix green card backlog. Circulating debate around H-1b is the favorite trick of large IT companies. It is also the favorite trick of anti-green card reform groups like IEEE.

    Just because the quota got over the first day it implies that the system is abused, right? Let me tell who is abused. People waiting for green card are abused. Not fixing green card delays and deliberately keeping the debate around H-1b is an abuse.

    07-28 12:38 PM
    Okay, from wine shop to religion to law to constitution, what next :)
    Hmm, now I know, for me it is back to the wine shop - no intellectual quest though, just a simple thirst for quality alcohol.

    05-08 07:07 PM
    Time is right now to recapture the visa numbers.
    "No army can stop an idea whose time has come." --Victor Hugo.

    We need to raise funds for the sole purpose of passing the EB Visa Re-Capture Bill!

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